CNC Intelligence Inc. Emerges as Bitcoin Recovery Powerhouse – Cncintel

With crypto-assets such as Bitcoin fast emerging as the winners of the post-pandemic economy, law enforcement agencies are increasingly encountering digital assets in their investigations. Increased Bitcoin adoption has thus far translated to more cybercrime aimed at pilfering the quickly appreciating digital coins.

The legal framework currently surrounding such assets is murky as best, making recovery efforts a matter of expertise as well as finesse in applying the laws.

“Law enforcement can deal with cryptocurrency recovery in several ways. They can analyze transaction patterns, deanonymize transactions, and strike up partnerships.” – says CNC Intelligence Inc’s Seth A. Gordon.

A retired Department of Homeland Security intelligence analyst, Gordon also has experience as a government-private sector security operations liaison. He is, therefore, in the perfect position to bring the power of Cncintel’s Bitcoin tracing solutions to bear where they are most needed.

Worldwide, supra-national organizations such as Interpol undertake most cybercrime-fighting operations. At this level, such organizations have access to key data and maintain close relationships with key industry actors such as exchanges, developers, etc. They do not offer Bitcoin recovery services to individuals, however.

This is where CNC Intelligence enters the picture. With its expertise and with the liaising capabilities that Seth A. Gordon brings to the table, the organization can optimally leverage the power of the law, as well as that of its in-house cryptocurrency recovery solutions.

The Bitcoin recovery process starts with identifying the thieves and the wallets to which they have moved the misappropriated funds. It is important to zero in on the perpetrators because that is the first step to obtaining civil remedy. Civil courts can then issue disclosure orders to further assist with the investigations. They can also hold and retain the stolen assets through freezing injunctions.

The pseudo-anonymous nature of crypto assets makes cryptocurrency recovery possible.

As part of its bitcoin recovery process, Cncintel traces the movement of the funds, identifying the wallets in which these funds land, as well as the owners of the said wallets. And unlike global cybercrime-fighting agencies, CNC Intelligence Inc. does deal with victims of crypto heists in person and on an individual basis.

To this end, the organization employs a range of tools such as open-source information, blockchain analytics, financial data, as well as dark-web research where needed. Cooperation with crypto market actors is also an essential part of the bitcoin recovery process.

Following the prompt identification of the perpetrators, Cncintel pursues legal routes to recovery. This is where the skills of experts like Mr. Seth A. Gordon make a difference.

Whether crypto assets qualify as property from a legal standpoint depends on the jurisdiction in which pursuing recovery makes legal and practical sense. Navigating the intricate and often murky web of legal definitions and attitudes toward cryptocurrency recovery is a task requiring specialized skills, experience, and connections.

The primary objective of the Bitcoin recovery process is to legally prevent the dissipation of the misappropriated funds. The final objective is full recovery.

CNC Intelligence Inc. deals with victims of crypto fraud on an individual level. The organization offers a complimentary initial consultation to allow victims to decide whether its recovery services suit their needs. CNC Intelligence Inc. specialists also offer longer and more exhaustive consultations. Contacting the asset-recovery firm is a matter of sending an email to inquiries@cncintelDOTcom.

Originally Published on EINPresswire.